It is essential to have adequate car insurance, but many people do not realize that insurance can be bought for cover during auto shipping. There is always a risk of something happening to your vehicle in transit, as it is no longer under your control. Thus, double-checking your Car Transport company’s rules and policies for car insurance is necessary to avoid footing the bill for any transport-related damage.
Various types of damage that can potential ruin your vehicle during delivery is typically covered by in-house insurance offered by the auto transport companies themselves. Be aware of the caveats when dealing with auto transport insurance. The rest of the article is dedicated to giving some valuable suggestions regarding auto transport insurance.
Before deciding which vehicle transport company to hire, ask your list of potential companies for a certificate of insurance. Keep in mind that this is required by law and as such, all legit companies should be willing to present their insurance proof. Ask about the extent of the coverage that the company offers, such as which parts are covered, if you will have to pay a deductible, and so on.
The promises that the company gives must be verified and documented. When you need specific information, contact your agent. There is a chance that coverage will fall away in transit should you not inform the respective car transport company.
It is absolutely crucial to remove your personal belongings from the car before transport. This is important since transport companies will not cover your belongings inside the car if they end up broken or damaged. The extra weight could damage the car’s exhaust system while the objects inside may cause damage to the interiors.
These damages won’t be covered by the company’s insurance. Luckily there are a few other tricks when prepping your car for a long distance trip. A company inspector will examine your car for any signs of damage as soon as you drop it off.
It is imperative that you are present at this inspection. Remember to take a picture of your car before you transport it so that you have evidence in case of new damage. Your vehicle will also be inspected, this time for damage caused during transit, once it reaches its destination.
It is important to conduct careful inspection and document any damage, scratches or dents on the Bill of Lading or the condition report before accepting the car. Check the undercarriage by starting it up to see any mechanical damage. Your camera is your best friend for documenting damage, particularly new damage.
The Bill of Lading is a very important document, as it allows you to note damage sustained in transit. Always let the driver counter-sign it and contact the company immediately. If the car has been delivered at night, check the car using a flashlight or any form of bright light.
The level of customer support is indicative of the auto shipper's reputation. In the event that you are not happy with the service offered, you can file a complaint, as most transport companies align themselves with business organizations like Better Business Bureau. You can avoid unnecessary drama and stress by being thorough and using the advice provided here.